
Day 196

 Before it was Cool


I used to know a place
We called it The Moon
And only we few
We band of others
Outsiders and dogs
Only we
Knew where to find it
But we have all grown old
Kids wear the bottoms of their trousers rolled
And only we few
We confederacy of ancients
Remember the Moon and what it meant
What it showed us all
Waning crescent

Day 191



I am a pile of ivy

pulled from the ground

and waiting to be bagged, taken, shredded

My tendrils used to firmly grasp the earth

I've come untethered from my roots

Home is where the heart is

Day 157



I walk along darkened corridors
And hands reach out for me
To grasp and pry
I want to let them
To feel the fingers probe
and grab 
To give in to their pull
And float away

Day 155



Hello there again
I thought it was over
but here we all are
Because you cannot get rid of me
You cannot escape what you've become
And you and I 
Our fates are tied
It's nyquil driving time.

Day 143



The rocky crown of Arnestine
Sits atop the hill
It looks down on all who gather here
All sick
All ill
With despair or
gout or
ennui or
doubt or
cancer or 
worst of all
I am here
among the others
waiting for a sign from on high
A message that says
"you are not welcome here,
but you can stay"
A respite
A relief
Until another day
Until the crown decides that we should go
Until the powers and the principalities tell us
"get thee to a nunnery."

Day 142

 Meddling Monkey, Busy Ape


He hangs
Hands around a branch
As though it were the most natural thing in the world
Because of course
It is

Day 140(?)

An Answer for Us All

You and I
We want to know
All the whys and hows
The wherefores and whos
It will change us
Knowledge is power
More data is always better
Non-linear regression
Can we backtrack far enough
to see the moment
The moment where this all began
The moment when you and I first crossed paths in the dark
Eons ago when the first human 
Took our first step
When the first day dawned 
And life began its horrible toil 
And our destiny was locked in stone
Already fossilized and immovable?
What then?
Do you take me for a sponge?